I read this interesting Engadget article about the gap in experience between the laptop and the phone; which did a good job of summarizing the strength of the iPad. I'd love to compare video between the iPad and other Tablets, which I'm sure will be made with abandon when the device is released.
iPad critics: If you are basing your opinion on what you have read or photographs, you are missing a key data point as to why this device is a quantum leap in how we interact with technology. You really have to watch how the device responds in different states to see why its' iPhone core is ideal. Through Apple's example, everything has been optimized for what is a very different interactive experience – e.g. the Address Book, Photos, and iBooks. The competition has ability to recreate the specs and maybe even throw in better ones. They can't replicate the overall user experience.
Let's use the NYT website as a control, which they did in the keynote. Just compare what it's like to interact with NYT website vs. iPhone app vs. iPad app [link to YouTube of NYT iPad app]. Same content, vastly different user experiences. Those who complain that it's not a laptop are too focused on a desktop experience. Let's face it. Laptops have not significantly changed how we interact with the desktop; they simply took it off the desk.
Most importantly, laptops can't be used standing up; balancing and typing does not work. If you are standing up or in a place without a table, a phone is a better fit. Powerful phones – such as the iPhone but also Droid and the Pre – are great in that they can be used with one hand. But they are too small for certain tasks.
So that's why Apple started with the iPhone OS. It's optimized for the one-finger and one hand; adjusting it for more than one hand and more than one finger is a lot easier than distilling the desktop experience and allowing non-optimized content to slip through the cracks. Improper content ruins the user experience. That's what happened to the TabletPC and PCs in general. Owning a Tablet Windows is great but it's rare to find applications optimized for the Tablet, aside from the excellent One Note. More importantly, developing for Tablet PCs is not as profitable because the user base is relatively small compared to the non-touch users. The expense and the design of the current crop also make TabletPCs less attractive.
Apple delivered the first Tablet priced for the what is really all markets. I do believe that there is a vast audience of people who do not have PCs now will opt for that one because it does what they need it to do.
But Apple has other tools at its disposal. It has the experience and reputation for creating gold-standard mobile devices, gold standard user experiences, gold standard shopping experiences, and a gold standard content delivery mechanisms. It really doesn't matter what they nah-sayers think. Think of all those iPod, iPad, MacBook/Pros and iMacs out there that need to be bought, serviced, wrapped and accessorized.
Apple has the power to sell the iPad to its' customer base one-on-one directly through its stores. And it will.