Every experience has an impact – some large and some small. Living in a new city tends to be one of those experiences. I've lived in a lot of places – SF, NY, LA and London being the major ones. They have all made an impact on me as a person. But the experience that I think really changed the course of my life is my two years in London.
As two years go, they weren't particularly fun. Sure I went out a lot and explored facets of my personality that I hadn't explored to date. But I was always poor and cold. I didn't earn a lot, didn't eat a lot, and didn't buy a lot. By the end, I was the skinniest I have ever been in my life.
But the major plus was I met the most extraordinary people. I broke many hearts and had mine broken repeatedly. I walked often because London's then transit and traffic problems often left one just short of one's destination. I held my head up high and drank in the cultural stew that is that city. Whenever I meet an British person, there is a period in their lives that I know.
I didn't realize how fearless one comes across by living abroad, even for a brief period of time. I just took it as something one does to be molded by life. It is not an easy experience. While many Americans should travel, many don't. It's not really affordable in a country as vast as the US; you have to work hard to exhaust this country. I've been all over this country and it's a fascinating place but after a while I pine for something that looks and acts different enough to observe more carefully.
If you have any chance whatsoever, live abroad. Your life, your friends, your career and your outlook will all change. Hopefully for the better.