Saturday, January 24, 2009

Park Slope's 9/11 on 12/16

It's been a nostalgic few days. I met with the Alumni director for my former middle/high school. I am going to be volunteering for them, with my first assignment being helping them activate involvement in the school.

One thing she mentioned was curious. She said in the 60's and 70's, Park Slope was like a war zone. I thought it was curious because I don't remember there being much blight when I went to the school in the late 70s early 80s. 

Thank goodness for Google. Turns out that around the corner from my school, a plane had fallen from the sky [blog article] on December 16, 1960. It was the result of a mid-air collision over Staten Island. It was a horrific scene; I can't imagine what that must have been like. Some have written about witnessing the experience. 

As a child I don't remember a memorial to the dead or anything for that matter. Even now, I couldn't tell that something so horrible had happened. It's been erased from memory. Maybe that's a good thing. 

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