Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Future is Fabric

Yesterday's WSJ [paid link] had an article about changes in men's fashion, namely the increased emphasis on new fabrics/materials and forms. One of the items discussed I have blogged about before – Calvin Klein's foam coat that's due out in July.

This is a topic that is close to my heart due to a recent purchase of a jacket from the NY/Soho label – DDC Labs. NY's weather has a habit of exposing gaps in one's wardrobe and this year is no exception. I have lacked a mid to lightweight coat. Now given my austerity this year, it's not a gap I've been rushing to fill but it is something I've needed to get.

I picked up this really cool hoodie made from Polyester, Polyethylene, Lycra and Nylon. DDC calls it climate control as the jacket breathes and regulates the body temperature. They say it has a 20 degree effective range and it does in my opinion. It's incredibly comfortable and hugs the body.

DDC specializes in interesting materials such as bamboo and aluminum. They are worth a look for interesting and functional pieces.

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