Wednesday, December 31, 2008

iPhone vs. Kindle

BusinessWeek has an article about the increasing popularity of using one's cell phone as an eBook reader, with solutions coming out allowing one to purchase and read material on the phone. It started with public domain books – like Tale of Two Cities and Shakespeare – and is now moving to unique or new content. 

When I first got my iPhone, I was very excited at the idea of using it as an eBook reader. Back in the days of Palms, I used mine sporadically as an eBook reader and Palm had (has?) a very robust eBook base. On the face of it, these devices make great readers. They are on one's person all the time and the content can be formatted in a way that it is easy to read – narrow columns, large type etc. One can zip through material pretty quickly. 

Unfortunately battery life is the biggest issue I have in using my phone as an eBook reader. The battery on the iPhone is just not good enough to use it as a phone and an eBook reader. The only time I tend to eRead is when I have a very short train journey – 10 minutes tops – and I know I will return home in a couple of hours or am able to plug my phone in at some point in my trip. It's my biggest frustration with my phone. Doing too much has led to a 'dead-as-a-doornail' phone on more than one occasion.

I love the Kindle because I can read for two or three days straight and not have to plug it in. It's not as convenient as my phone but it's certainly more convenient than carrying all the books I have on the Kindle. 

I think the Kindle is safe for now. When smartphones integrate ePaper technology – like this and these here – and can squeeze out two or three days of heavy use, then eBook on phone will take off.

Hat tip [jk on the run]

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