Monday, November 23, 2009

The power of the Apple Store

Seems as though Apple's Regent Street store in London has transformed what was a relatively boring shopping corridor – I remember lots of Scottish tweed and humdrum cashmere – and turned it into one of the most sought after commercial streets in the UK. It's also the most profitable retailer in London.

Similar news came in some time ago that the NY Fifth Avenue location was it's most profitable location and is probably the highest grossing retailer, pretty astonishing considering the company it keeps – Tiffany, Gucci, Calvin Klein etc. Over 38 million people visited the store last year.

It's so funny to see these figures because when they first opened their stores, so many people crapped all over the idea. 'Waste of money,' they said. 'No tech company has ever built a successful retail presence,' they said. Ironically, I am sure it has been the Mac loyal that has helped build this franchise – reinforcing the importance of brand loyalty.

For a long time, I grew frustrated at the Apple experience. Shoddy stores, poor displays, über geek helpers who were more interested in besting your knowledge than actually helping you. Now the Apple experience is one of the best retail experiences there is. So much so that Microsoft is ripping it off, which basically says all that needs to be said about Microsoft.

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