Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Moving house to Tumblr

I've spent some wonderful months on Blogger but I've decided to move my blog to Tumblr. It is an easier platform to share the random things that I read.

The only negative is that I can't import my old posts here so I'll be linking back often until I gain critical mass.

The new blog address is – gslashmitch.tumblr.com

See you there!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Summer is over and gone

Summer is over and gone
Originally uploaded by a2zumac

Well the title of the post is a little alarmist. It's mid-August and temperatures are going to hit 90 today.

But it won't be long before things start getting cooler, ushering in my favorite season in New York – autumn.

Sandy beach

Sandy beach
Originally uploaded by mitchsfo

I went to Fire Island this past weekend. Just for the day.

It's a long way for a day trip but you really do feel a world away. There are beaches that are closer to NYC but they tend to be more crowded. Next time I go I need to stay over. Until then, I have my FI memories.

It did expose how much I need a proper vacation. Hopefully soon.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Apple's Business Model in a Nutshell

Hat Tip [Gizmodo]

Facebook I vs. We

When one is in a relationship, one becomes accustomed to referring to oneself as part of a 'we.' "We are going to the mall." "We adopted the dog a few months ago." "We just got back from vacation."

One area where I do not understand the role of 'we' is Facebook. I would say about a third of my partnered friends use pictures of them and their partners in their profile pictures. Sometimes even the kids are included.

I don't get it.

To me, Facebook is fundamentally about the 'I.' What are YOU doing? What are YOU thinking about? Even if an activity is shared with people – from friends to kids – it's still experienced as on an individual level and it's that angle that is shared on Facebook.

It seems troubling to me that the only way that you can deal with others as an individual is to remind them that you are one of a unit.

Then again, I could just be grumpy single guy.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I took a bit of a break from cooking these last few weeks. To be honest, I just haven't been inspired. I think I've mastered the dishes that have been staples and it's time for something new. I've also been in the mood for more varied cooking than in the past.

I read a NYT article from this Sunday's Magazine about the new Julie movie and what impact Julie Child had on cooking. I was a wee one when she was at the height of her popularity. The article talks – at length – about where we are as a country with regard to food. The popularity of the Food Network glosses over the fact that most of us rarely cook and that what defines 'cooking' nowadays is really more like assembly. Not much is prepared from scratch. The Food Network is more about the consumption of food than learning to prepare it.

I've come full circle on cooking. At the height of my cooking this winter, I put in some serious work – beating things by hand etc. That's so far removed from our food processors and bread makers, the former I recently acquired. Do those devices help us by taking away the 'I want X but I don't feel like doing A to get it' factor? Or are they a further abstraction, separating us from the work involved in putting a meal together?

Unfortunately our time starved lives necessitate that we get more from less. We don't have time to do the work it takes to prepare many of the dishes Julie cooked. Which is a shame. A good home cooked meal is like nothing else. I'm glad I know.

Time flies

I can't believe it's been two weeks since my last post. What a crazy few weeks it has been. Two weeks ago got a nasty summer cold, which normally increases my post rate. Alas I was also in-field, which meant by the end of the day, I was toast. Heck by the end of the week. Then a couple friends from Boston were in town, adding to the exhaustion. Last week was pretty insane work wise. Before you know it, it's Tuesday and it's August. Wow.

In the background, I've been dealing with a few issues of a personal nature, mainly related to how I'll spend the next 10 years. No concrete answers just yet, although there are several pans on the fire.

There are a few 'rapid fire' posts that I'll make in the next few hours on topics I have been pondering.