Tuesday, December 8, 2009

App Store blues

I've been really frustrated by the number of news stories focused on iPhone developers complaining about how they aren't making money and how their applications get lost on the App Store.

Newsflash: presence on the App store does not mean you no longer need to market your products

The App Store is like Amazon. No one complains that 'their products get lost' on Amazon. It's ridiculous to assume that a presence on Amazon means the seller is set for life. Amazon simply provides an efficient standardized distribution platform, just like the App Store.

What the store provides is a potential market of millions of people around the world. So if you do hit it, you'll hit it big, as we have seen. It's up to YOU to build applications with an audience in mind and market to that audience. If you don't, your app is doomed to failure because competition is fierce.

Stop complaining and start marketing. And if you don't know how to market your products, get help.

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