Thursday, June 11, 2009

Embedded strategy

I finally watched the Keynote and what struck me was how different Microsoft and Apple are treating the embedded market.

Microsoft's embedded strategy is basically Windows everywhere. Except that developing for the different varieties of Windows is not always a straight forward task. And Windows isn't the most nimble of OS'. Add that to the reluctance many hardware manufacturers have had for Microsoft to own their space as they do the desktop world and you see why there have been problems with the Windows everywhere strategy.

With the latest software update, Apple is taking a completely different route. Instead of having hardware manufacturers tailor an OS for their hardware, the iPhone/iTouch duo acts as the brains for essentially dummy hardware. It's a lot easier to program and update an iPhone app vs. something that is more hardwired and can't be updated as easily if a product doesn't have a network connection handy.

I am so excited to see what is being developed. Just chomping at the bit.

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