Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Exciting iPhone news

Well the Pre's time in the spotlight was limited. The device is purely out classed by the iPhone, especially the new ones. I am beyond thrilled with the new iPhone 3GS. Even the software update excites me. I'm most looking forward to the cut/paste and the universal Spotlight search. I use Spotlight constantly on my Mac and know how easy it puts even the most obscure things. I haven't finished watching the keynote from yesterday so expect more thoughts in the next few days.

Not to be outdone is the announcement of updated laptops. I've been on the fence about the latest ones, especially since the executive decision to remove Firewire from the MacBook some time ago.

I have an old MacBook – first generation – and like having Firewire. It desperately needs updating as it's over three years old but I haven't been impressed with the current roster. Weight is important to me as it's my primary travel notebook and I've felt boxed in of late. I wanted the backlit keyboard, LED screen and power of the latest laptops but didn't want the 15" and thought the removal of Firewire from the 13" painted me into a corner. I'm glad that not only did they lower the price, but they also included a Firewire 800 port and an SD port. One less thing to carry with me in my travel wires kit.

I'm a happy camper!

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