Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Picture: Engaget

GM and Segway have introduced the PUMA concept, a sit-down version of the Segway that travels up to 35 mph. I will be checking it out at the NY Auto Show this weekend, for sure.

My gut reaction when I saw it was – gosh it looks silly. But reading further, this is just the frame. It will be prettified in some shape or form. I hope so. I can see this being useful – especially here in NYC – but given the variances in weather, a glorified scooter is not really practical in areas where there's, you know, seasons.

I can see this being a cheaper Smart car and for urban dwellers only. There's no way it can handle anything more. But who knows what will come about in a year or two when they tweak the motor. This would be great with fuel cells, I must say. I'm excited to take a look at it.

I also think this makes a wonderful mobility vehicle for the disabled. My Mom has MS and it would be great for her to have this to dash to the grocery store around the corner.

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