Friday, September 25, 2009

Le Bon Mot: Sampling

def.: the selection of a suitable sample for study

It was a total wash yesterday, brain wise. I pulled up a bunch of words and was not inspired by any of them. Thankfully this word came up today.

There's the statistical definition, mentioned above. I typically deal in sampling and samples as I am a market researcher at the moment. But there's also a non-stat application that I can discuss in relationship to blogging.

The number of articles I read in a given day would astound anyone. I'm truly a news junkie. I blog about a fraction of the number I read. The word 'sampling' incorporates 'suitable,' and therein lies the rub. It's hard to chose just the one or two articles that illustrate everything I want my blog to illustrate - my mood, the mood of the nation, the mood of the blogesphere, the mood of the various communities I follow.

It's the art of being an editor. A skill I am developing. It's harder than it looks.

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