Monday, January 5, 2009

The butcher the baker

I haven't spoken much about the New Year. I have a lot in store for the year, some of which will be detailed here. 

In 2009, I'm [re]connecting with my domestic and DIY self thanks to a number of personal projects that are on the docket. 

My television seems to be conspiring against me since it's always on the DIY channel, even when I could have sworn I changed it. I'm really enjoying Deconstruction with Matt Blashaw. I'm new to all of this and his show really illustrates how materials work, which ones are the best and why. It's very helpful and reinforces a 'penny wise pound foolish' ethic that I'll be keeping in mind. Plus the show has just enough 'guy silliness' to make it fun. Every show has at least one segment where the material in question gets set alit, dropped, smashed, flung and shot at. Jackass, staring Pell Windows. And I feel very Beevis as I hear myself say – woah, that was cool. 

One of my resolutions from roughly the middle of Q4 has been to cook more frequently. It's healthier, more economical and is a rewarding process. At least in theory. In practice the first and second are optional and the third is debatable when the dish doesn't turn out well. 

It all started with preparing seasoned uncooked dishes from Fresh Direct. Now I want to cook my own stuff. At my local Bed Bath, I recently purchased a Dutch oven [cast-iron pot] and a panini maker/grill to broaden my meal selection.

I have resolved to cook an entrée meal at least three times a week and have leftovers to fill in at least a few of the remaining meals. I'm starting with simple recipes that have short ingredient lists, larder stocking basics, fast prep time and minimal pot watching. 

One thing about these old recipes. They sure use a lot of butter. I'll be looking for lighter versions but at least I know the benchmark. Besides, it's a nice guilty pleasure.

Anyway, so far so good. Just made some Red Velvet cakes using a mix from the infamous Sprinkles. It was a gift from a friend of mine. Yum. But I have a lot of excess frosting. There's no way I am going to put as much frosting on the cupcake shown here. 

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