Thursday, January 15, 2009

In defense of the 'warm up'

Occasionally, researchers face pressure from clients to 'get to it' and shrink the time at the beginning of every research conversation used to get to know the respondents better. 

However taking an interest in one's subject improves their receptivity to whatever is being discussed, be that research or telemarketing. A recent study in U Chicago's Journal of Consumer Research found that even asking the simple question of 'How is your day going?' softens up the subject. According to the study's authors, questions like these reduce "self-control [and] renders consumers vulnerable to persuasion ploys foisted upon them by influence agents." In other words, people are more interested in what you have to say if you show some interest in them as a person.  

This project studied telemarketing but the same applies in research. I know that when I need to rush through the warm-up for one reason or another, as hard as I may try, the interaction with the participant is never as close and therefore the data is never as good. Thankfully this doesn't happen often.

Hat tip [Science Daily]

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