Monday, June 15, 2009

iPhone 3.0

Somehow my iPhone has been mysteriously upgraded to the new 3.0 software. I have to say it has been a joy to use so far. Highlights include the horizontal keyboard, although writing this in Notes is proving a little annoying with the headphones on. Everything is more crisp, particularly the movement between programs.

I like the new search capability but it is one of those functions that will grow on me, just like Spotlight on the Mac. It took me a while to get into the habit of using it. Now I use it almost exclusively to find stuff. Part of the problem is I have so many apps that sometimes I flick through to know what options I have. As it is now, just grazing the screen triggers some sort of selection, which is distracting. Particularly when entering a lot of text.

So these are my initial impressions. Honestly I am more excited about the hardware connections, most of whicb I imagine will be released when the new software is officially released in a day or two.

Sent from my iPhone so please excuse the typos, odd words and brevity.

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