Monday, June 22, 2009

Look-alike products now in trouble?

asakusa photocopy
Originally uploaded by ۞ ehin

The European Court of Justice has rendered a pretty important decision. L'Oreal claimed that generics and private label 'rode on the coattails' of established manufacturers. The Court agreed.

I'm not sure if European consumers faced products that were duplicates in all but name as we do here in this country but it will be interesting to see its impact over here in North America. It's almost a given that the multinationals – L'Oreal included – will use this verdict to argue the same thing in US courts.

I think there is some merit to the argument. As someone who is brand-conscious, I find it repellant that someone rides on the coattails of what is a lot of hard work and effort of many many people, practitioners such as myself included. To see someone 'photocopy' it, undermines it.

Brand mimics are always going to happen but at least those who do it will need to make more conscious decisions before they do so.

Hat tip [WARC News]

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