Sunday, December 14, 2008

Eames chair construction

Check out this roughly 9 minute video that details how the infamous Eames shell chair used to be made. [Apologies: I haven't figured out how to insert non-YouTube video in Blogger]. 

What I find most interesting about the video isn't the production process but the way it was shot and the score associated with it. The style is very late 60's early 70's minimalist mod, with extreme close-ups whenever possible. The score is akin to the musical minimalist, Phillip Glass. There are no subtitles or VO. In parts, it's hard to discern just what is being done. But you left with the craftsmanship and attention to detail that goes into every Eames piece.

I contrast this video with the 'How It's Made' series on the Science/Discovery Channel, which really does try to enlighten the viewer on a production process from start to finish. I always seem to watch it when traveling since it's on late. If you have never watched it, you should. It's amazing to find beauty in the construction of everyday things.

Hat tip [Make Magazine]

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