Saturday, December 6, 2008

My First Computer

There's this great website gallery of old computers

My first computer was this one. The Timex Sinclair ZX81. I don't think I was able to do much with it. It was a fun toy and I learned to do a little BASIC programming because of it. But I was never able to do what I really wanted to do, write my own Pac-Man clone, which was only available in the arcades at the time. 

I tried to do it again on my second computer, the Commodore-64. It never occurred to me that I would need to plan out/architect a project as complex as a game. I was more interested in the visuals vs. the mechanics. That's when I realized that programming really wasn't my thing. 

It's humbling to look at this machine and compare it to the 'supercomputer' Aluminum iMac 20".

Hat tip [Boing Boing]

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