Saturday, December 6, 2008

A more disciplined America

This is not a new article but an interesting one in light of the employment figures coming out now. 

My ex and I used to have some interesting discussions on the ramifications of an economic slowdown and certainly one common thread is that Americans will need to tighten their belts and be far more disciplined than we have been to date, which is the crux of this article in Newsweek from Fareed Zakaria. We've been living on borrowed money for quite some time and have hit our spending limit. 

In a recent project that I am finishing up for a bank, one of the underlying themes was how much more disciplined consumers planned to be/have become with their money and the little tricks and tips they use to keep themselves in line. I have to admit I'm one of those who is trying hard to be more careful. 

I'm curious - what are you doing differently, thanks to these economic times? What are you giving up? What are you doing more of? What tricks do you play to keep yourself in line? 

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