Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Personal H.U.D. coming soon

In order for humans to take that next step and become cyborgs, we'll need HUDs – Heads Up Display – to inform us about our surroundings. Thankfully, it's something you can experience sooner than later. 

Exhibit A - above - is the not-to-distant version, is basically memory that is transparent. Exhibit B - link - is an application that will come out quite soon on the Google phone and uses the camera and links to Wiki to do the same thing. I imagine it won't be long before there's an iPhone version. 

Soon it will be impossible to be lost. Since between GPS and programs like these, you will always know where you are and will be well-informed of your surroundings. How will that change the way we interact with our environment? Will we be better informed or will be loose our sense of discovery. 

Hopefully there will be a way for others NOT to know. That's another topic altogether.

Hat tip [Gizmodo and Influx Insights]

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