Sunday, December 7, 2008

Never far from my iPhone

Ran across this study posted on regarding the relationship consumers have with their cell phones. The majority of people now say that they have their cell phones with them 'at all times' even when they are at home.

This is a pretty amazing development and of no surprise to me given my own experience and what I hear from consumers. One young participant from a recent study told me she takes her lip gloss, her phone, her keys and a method of payment everywhere she goes. I doubt she's alone. 

I take my iPhone with me pretty much everywhere. Even in my apartment, small by US standards and average for NY standards, I take it everywhere. I use it as my alarm clock, which used to drive my ex crazy. I check the weather when I open my eyes to see how I should dress before taking my dog out. Once I'm relatively awake, I check the headlines and email. It's also my kitchen timer whenever I'm making something. When I don't feel like typing, I use it as my mini-computer. The only thing I wish it had was a functional 'Office' suite. HELLO!?

I think the seamless way in which it goes from one functionality to the next is the iPhone's greatest strength and something that I don't think its' competitors focus on enough.

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